Showing 86 song matches for 'salvation'
A servant of the Lord awaits
Martin Leckebusch
As light for our dark world he came
Emma Turl
At birth he lay in borrowed manger
John Capon
A child is born in Bethlehem, sing nowell!
Michael Perry
A great and mighty wonder
[Modernised Version]
Born as a stranger
Michael Perry
Christ came in faith to Bethlehem
John Capon
Come, journey to a humble dwelling
James Wood
Come, all you good people and burst into song!
Michael Saward
Come, O long-expected Jesus
Charles Wesley / Jubilate Hymns
Commit your way to God the Lord
Michael Perry
Contend, O Lord, with those
Christopher Idle
Crushed the grain, his earthly life
Randle Manwaring
Dark is the night, and friends lie sleeping still
Paul Wigmore
Exult, creation round God's throne
Christopher Idle
Father God, the great Creator
Derek Baldwin
Find rest, my soul, in God alone
Christopher Idle
Gathered together as friends of the master
Brian Hoare
Give thanks to God, for he is good, the everlasting giver
Christopher Idle
God's word to God's world! In one name alone
Christopher Idle
God, be merciful to me
The Psalter 1912 / Jubilate Hymns
God, loving ruler of the world
Christopher Idle
God sent his Son into the world
Geoff Weaver
God the Lord, the king almighty
Christopher Idle
Happy day of great rejoicing!
Mollie Knight
Hosanna, Lord - you have rescued us
Emma Turl
In all the world of beauty round us
Derek Baldwin
In awe and wonder, Lord our God
Michael Saward
In the still of the night
Judy Gresham
It was no empty dreamer
Christopher Idle
I come in joy and wonder
Derek Baldwin
I have no strength but yours
Michael Perry
I love you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer
Michael Perry
I love you, O Lord, you alone
Christopher Idle
I see your crib
Christopher Porteous
I will sing the Lord's high triumph
Christopher Idle
Let me now depart in peace
Michael Perry
Let the people praise you, O God
Michael Perry
Let us rejoice now
Brian Black
Let us sing to the God of salvation
Richard Bewes
Light and salvation is the Lord for me
Christopher Idle
Lord, I delight to recall your commandments
Michael Saward
Lord, your word shall guide us
[Modernised Version]
Mary, ride on to David's town
Paul Wigmore
My God, now is your table spread
[Modernised Version]
Now at last your servant can depart in peace
Michael Saward
On Christmas night all Christians sing
English Traditional
Overflow with joy and gladness
Michael Saward
O my Lord, I will exalt you
Emma Turl
O sing a new song, O sing to the Lord; O sing, all
David G. Preston
Powerful in making us wise to salvation
Christopher Idle
Praise God today: his mercies never end
Christopher Idle
Receive the grace that brought you your salvation
Emma Turl
Rejoice and be merry in songs and in mirth
English Traditional
Rest in God, our God most mighty
David Mowbray
See the rising sun appearing
Emma Turl
Send me in peace upon my way
David Mowbray
Shout for joy, loud and long
David Mowbray
Since our great high priest, Christ Jesus
Christopher Idle
Sing praise to Christ the child
Martin Leckebusch
Sing a new song of glory and salvation
Stephen Horsfall
Sing to God new songs of worship
Michael Baughen
Sing, sing, sing to the Lord
Christopher Idle
Stars and planets sing your glory
Trevor Thorn
Strong in Christ, our great salvation
Christopher Idle
Strong Lord, let me love you alone
Christopher Idle
Tell all the world: the Lord is King
Martin Leckebusch
Thank you, O Lord of earth and heaven
James Seddon
The Lord is King
Emma Turl
The Lord is my light and salvation
David G. Preston
There is full salvation through that precious name
Michael Baughen
The cross of Christ - love's sacrifice
Brian Black
The kingdom of the living God has come
Michael Saward
The wonder of salvation
Christopher Idle
Through all the world let Christ be known
Christopher Idle
To us a child of royal birth
[Modernised Version]
Two thousand years of sorrow
Christopher Idle
We echo Mary's song of praise
Emma Turl
We are here before our Father
Brian Black
We lift our hearts up to the Lord
Michael Perry
What a shepherd, what a Saviour
Emma Turl
What if the one who shapes the stars
David Mowbray
When Nehemiah heard about
Barbara Woollett
When rulers judge in righteousness
Christopher Idle
When the angel came to Mary
Michael Perry
When this land knew God's gracious love outpoured
Christopher Idle