Since our great high priest, Christ Jesus
1 Since our great high priest, Christ Jesus,
bears the name above all names,
reigning Son of God, surpassing
other titles, powers, and claims -
since to heaven our Lord has passed,
let us hold our witness fast!
2 Since we have a priest who suffered,
knowing weakness, tears, and pain,
who, like us, was tried and tempted,
unlike us, without a stain -
since he shared our lowly place,
let us boldly seek his grace!
3 Sacrifice and suffering over,
now he sits at God's right hand
crowned with praise, no more an outcast,
his pre-eminence long-planned;
such a great high priest we have,
strong to help, supreme to save!
4 Love's example, hope's attraction,
faith's beginning and its end,
pioneer of our salvation,
mighty advocate and friend,
Jesus, high in glory raised,
our ascended Lord be praised!
Christopher Idle from Hebrews 4
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
8 7 8 7 7 7 Trochaic
part of the podcast series: 30 Hymns: Christopher Idle with Lance & Sue Pierson
Suggested Tunes: ALL SAINTS, GREAT HIGH PRIEST (Norman Warren)