Sing praise to Christ the child
1 Sing praise to Christ the child,
the infant in the manger:
for God was born on earth,
no more to be a stranger;
to bear his people’s pain
God entered his creation,
and gave himself in death
to win the world's salvation.
2 Sing praise to Christ the man,
our teacher, friend and brother,
whose kindness shows us how
to care for one another;
whose love embraces all,
inviting and forgiving;
whose selfless life provides
the pattern for our living.
3 Sing praise to Christ the Lord,
majestic in his mystery,
transcending time and space,
unique in all of history:
all other claims to power
must yield in awe before him;
let heaven and earth bow down,
and every heart adore him!
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words © Martin Leckebusch / Jubilate, admin. Jubilate Hymns Ltd