Welcome, happy morning
[Modernised Version]1 Welcome, happy morning!
age to age shall say;
hell today is conquered,
heaven is won today:
come then, True and Faithful,
now fulfil your word;
this is your third morning:
rise, O buried Lord!
2 Earth with joyful welcome
clothes herself for spring;
greets with life reviving
her returning king:
flowers in every pasture,
leaves on every bough,
speak of sorrows ended;
Jesus triumphs now!
3 Author and sustainer,
source of life and breath;
you for our salvation
trod the path of death:
Jesus Christ is living,
God for evermore!
Now let all creation
hail him and adore.
4 Loose our souls imprisoned
bound with Satan's chain;
all that now is fallen,
raise to life again!
show your face in brightness,
shine the whole world through;
hope returns with daybreak,
life returns with you.
Jubilate Hymns version of 'Welcome, happy morning', John Ellerton (1826 - 1893) paraphrased from Salva festa dies toto venerabilis aero, qua Deus Venantius Fortunatus (c.530 - 609)
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