1 Gathered together as friends of the Master,
fear in their hearts and a bolt on the door;
crucified, buried, their hopes lay in ruins:
but Jesus appeared and he lives evermore!
   And we are Easter people, risen with Christ;
   Easter people, alive in him:
   Easter people, dancing, singing, praises
   bringing to our risen Saviour, Lord and King.

2 Gathered together as friends of the Master;
joy in our hearts as we sing to his name.
Crucified, buried but for our salvation:
and death could not hold him, he's risen again!
   And we are Easter people...

3 Gathered together as friends of the Master,
sharing with others the things that he said;
crucified, buried the whole world's Redeemer,
for Jesus is risen, alive from the dead!
   And we are Easter people...

Brian Hoare (born 1935)
© Brian Hoare/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
11 10 11 11 and refrain


CCL# 871977