A great and mighty wonder
[Modernised Version]1 A great and mighty wonder:
redemption drawing near!
The virgin bears the infant,
the prince of peace is here!
Repeat the hymn again:
'To God on high be glory,
and peace on earth. Amen.'
2 The Word becomes incarnate
and yet remains on high!
The shepherds hear the anthem
as glory fills the sky!
3 The angels sing the story:
rejoice, O distant lands!
You valleys, forests, mountains,
and oceans, clap your hands!
4 He comes to save all nations:
let all now hear his word!
Approach and bring him worship,
the saviour and the Lord!
Jubliate Hymns version of 'Mega kai paradoxon thauma', Germanus (c.634 - c.733) translated John Mason Neale (1818 - 1866)
© Jubilate Hymns Ltd
7 6 7 6 6 7 6 including refrain
A similar version adapted by Michael Perry is also available here.