Hosanna, Lord - you have rescued us
After Psalm 118 - a psalm for Palm Sunday
1 Hosanna, Lord - you have rescued us
from darkness into your light -
we see you come in the name of God
and welcome you with delight!
How great you are, how wonderful
as scribes and singers record:
for all your grace and limitless love
receive our thanks, O Lord!
2 We lift our voices in praise to God -
his faithful mercies endure:
through joys and dangers and even death
his promise remains secure.
He heard his people's fervent prayers,
he made them fearless and bold:
let us, like them, rely on his strength
and watch his plans unfold.
3 Our Lord and Saviour, God's servant Son,
you faced rejection and strife
and died to open the gate that leads
to freedom and peace and life.
Now build us as your living church
to worship, making you known;
and may your Spirit dwell in our hearts,
O Christ our corner-stone!
Emma Turl
© Emma Turl, admin. The Jubilate Group
Metre / Suggested tune:
9 7 9 7 8 7 9 6 / I WAITED PATIENTLY (Michael Baughen, Psalm Praise 88)