David Mowbray
Above the fields, the dewy fields of Bethlehem
David Mowbray
All one in Christ! this is our joyful song
David Mowbray
Almighty Father, great must be
David Mowbray
As Christ the Lord took up a towel
David Mowbray
As David took no rest
David Mowbray
As if, Lord, you are there
David Mowbray
At the supper, Christ the Lord
David Mowbray
Black the cloud and bleak the feeling
David Mowbray
Bless all who trust in God
David Mowbray
Blessed be the God of Israel who sets
David Mowbray
Child of mine, the virgin sings
David Mowbray
Christ in majesty ascending
David Mowbray
Christ is ascending! let creation sing
David Mowbray
Christ on whom the Spirit rested
David Mowbray
Christ the Lord makes all things new
David Mowbray
Christmas news! Christ is born
David Mowbray
Come, ride with kings to Bethlehem
David Mowbray
Come, Spirit, to our lives today
David Mowbray
Creator God and Father
David Mowbray
Exult, archangels bright
David Mowbray
Faith is your gift, Lord God
David Mowbray
Farewell, friend(s) in Christ
David Mowbray
Father of all, whose laws have stood
David Mowbray
Father of all, with praise
David Mowbray
Fill this House, Lord God most glorious
David Mowbray
First of the week and finest day
David Mowbray
For all your boundless gifts
David Mowbray
For these many fruitful years
David Mowbray
From God's majestic throne
David Mowbray
From the very depths I cry
David Mowbray
Gift of Christ from God our Father
David Mowbray
Give God thanks for Christ's appearing
David Mowbray
Give God thanks for he is gracious
David Mowbray
Give God the praise for friends
David Mowbray
Give thanks for Whitsun wind and fire
David Mowbray
Give us Christ's love, its depth and length
David Mowbray
Glory be to God on high!
David Mowbray
God everlasting, at your word
David Mowbray
God of hosts, you chose a vine
David Mowbray
God so loved the world he gave
David Mowbray
God whose praise is sung in Zion
David Mowbray
Grant me, Lord, serenity
David Mowbray
Great and wonderful, Lord God
David Mowbray
Great is God's truth, it shall prevail
David Mowbray
Great is the Lord we now acclaim
David Mowbray
How glad are those with peace of mind
David Mowbray
Immense, immeasurable space
David Mowbray
In a sudden, searing moment
David Mowbray
In Christ shall all be made alive, we sing
David Mowbray
In times past the prophets promised
David Mowbray
Into darkness light has broken
David Mowbray
Into our world from God he came
David Mowbray
Into the world, with love
David Mowbray
Jesus at the supper
David Mowbray
Jesus in the desert
David Mowbray
Join with us, friends, today
David Mowbray
Laughter and song!
David Mowbray
Let creation bless the Father
David Mowbray
Let God who called the worlds to be
David Mowbray
Let those with voices sing
David Mowbray
Let trumpets sound and people sing
David Mowbray
Life-giving Lord, here we offer him back to you,
David Mowbray
Lift up your heads, eternal gates
David Mowbray
Lift your hearts today
David Mowbray
Light a candle for thanksgiving
David Mowbray
Lord Christ, the everlasting Son
David Mowbray
Lord Christ, the morning star!
David Mowbray
Lord everlasting yet child born in Bethlehem
David Mowbray
Lord of all my footsteps
David Mowbray
Lord of creation, giver of gladness
David Mowbray
Lord of life's despairing moments
David Mowbray
Lord of our growing years
David Mowbray
Lord of the changing year
David Mowbray
Lord of the earth's resources
David Mowbray
Lord of the Twelve, you drew
David Mowbray
Lord, build a bridge with us
David Mowbray
Lord, this thing I ask you
David Mowbray
Master, we lift our eyes expecting
David Mowbray
May Christ, the Lord of Cana's feast
David Mowbray
More blessed than those who take
David Mowbray
My Lord, my God, the Living One!
David Mowbray
Now lives the Lamb of God
David Mowbray
O Christ, the master carpenter
David Mowbray
O for the wings to fly afar
David Mowbray
O master Christ, draw near to take
David Mowbray
Open the gates of righteousness
David Mowbray
Our Father God, we marvel now
David Mowbray
Out of the depths I cry, O God, remember
David Mowbray
Praise God, the hour has come
David Mowbray
Redeemer Christ, you called the Twelve
David Mowbray
Rest in God, our God most mighty
David Mowbray
Risen Lord, whose name we cherish
David Mowbray
Said Jesus to the crowd one day
David Mowbray
Saul, breathing fire, Damascus-bound
David Mowbray
Saviour Christ, in mercy come!
David Mowbray, Michael Perry
Send me in peace upon my way
David Mowbray
Shout for joy, joy, joy
David Mowbray
Shout for joy, loud and long
David Mowbray
Silent no longer, the trumpet is sounding
David Mowbray
Silent the earth when God arose
David Mowbray
Silent, I have waited, counting out my days
David Mowbray
Sing merrily to God
David Mowbray
Sing, God's Easter people, sing!
David Mowbray
So dies this man, this carpenter
David Mowbray
Son of man, Christ Jesus
David Mowbray
Spirit of God most high
David Mowbray
Suffering Christ, uplifted high
David Mowbray
Take God's good news to saddened hearts
David Mowbray
Take heart and praise our God
David Mowbray
Thanks be for Doctor Luke
David Mowbray
The Christ of whom the gospels tell
David Mowbray
To Cana's wedding feast
David Mowbray
Unless the grain falls in the ground
David Mowbray
Unless the Lord has built the house
David Mowbray
Walk the hills and you will find him
David Mowbray
We believe in God almighty, maker
David Mowbray
Welcome to Christ's family
David Mowbray
What if my brothers wrong me, Lord
David Mowbray
What if the one who shapes the stars
David Mowbray
When at the door, as darkness falls
David Mowbray
When Israel broke their cruel chains
David Mowbray
Where may that love be found
David Mowbray
Who would have dreamed it?
David Mowbray
With all my heart I seek the true and living way
David Mowbray
With all your hearts rejoice and sing
David Mowbray
With heart and hands washed clean
David Mowbray
With joyful heart, praise Christ the Lord
David Mowbray
With Mary let my soul rejoice
David Mowbray
Wonderful your deeds, Lord
David Mowbray
Word of the Father everlasting
David Mowbray
Your grace surrounds us all our days
David Mowbray
Yours the greatness, Lord, the glory
David Mowbray