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Showing 42 song matches for 'victory'
A noble theme impels my heart to sing
David G. Preston
Blow upon the trumpet!
Michael Perry
Christian, seek not yet repose
[Modernised Version]
Christian soldiers, onward go
[Modernised Version]
Christ, grant me grace to let you wash my feet
Christopher Idle
Come to a world of need
Christopher Idle
Contend, O Lord, with those
Christopher Idle
Exult, creation round God's throne
Christopher Idle
Faith overcomes! The light of Christ is shining
Christopher Jones
For all the saints, who from their labours rest
[Modernised Version]
Glory to Jesus! risen, conquering Son
[Modernised Version]
God save our gracious Queen
God speaks from his pure sanctuary
Christopher Idle
Here from all nations, all tongues, and all peoples
Christopher Idle
In Christ shall all be made alive, we sing
David Mowbray
In silent pain the eternal Son
Christopher Idle
In the day of need may your answer be the Lord
Christopher Idle
Keep me resting in the peace
Emma Turl
Let us join the jostling throng
Emma Turl
Let us magnify, magnify, God the almighty
Michael Saward
Look, you saints, the sight is glorious
[Modernised Version]
Lord, to you we lift our voices
Christopher Idle
May the mind of Christ my Saviour
[Modernised Version]
O God and Saviour of us all
Gordon Giles
O Christ the great foundation
[Modernised Version]
O God, you are my God, I seek you
Paul Wigmore
O Lord I love you, my strength
Richard Bewes
O sing to the Lord, O sing a new song
David G. Preston
Praise we offer, Lord of glory
Michael Saward
Ring from your steeple, bells of gladness!
Michael Saward
Ring out the bells and let the people know
Michael Perry
Sing to God new songs of worship
Michael Baughen
Sing, sing, sing to the Lord
Christopher Idle
Sound loud the trumpet and strings
Michael Perry
Tell all the world: the Lord is King
Martin Leckebusch
These are the facts as we have received them
Michael Saward
The Lord is here, the darkness gone
Christopher Idle
The Son of Man has been revealed
Michael Saward
The victory of our God is won
Christopher Idle
This earth belongs to God
Christopher Idle
We have heard, O Lord our God
Michael Perry
Won, the victor's crown
Showing 1 liturgy matches for 'victory'