1 Faith overcomes! The light of Christ is shining,
piercing the doubt and darkness of our world,
walking in trust, we find the way inclining
to follow in the footsteps of our Lord.

2 Faith overcomes! The truth of God unfolding
Wisdom and Word, in cosmic time and space,
dwells in a single life for our beholding:
eternal glory in a human face.

3 Faith overcomes! In Jesus God is teaching,
healing, forgiving, loving to the end,
to all who know him not, his arms outreaching
from Calv'ry's cross, our Shepherd and our Friend.

*4 Faith overcomes! The Bread of God from heaven
gives life to all in laying down his own,
water and blood flow from his body riven,
we drink of him, and thirst for him alone.

5 Faith overcomes! The life of Christ abundant,
spent and exhausted in the hour of death,
bursts from the tomb in mystery triumphant,
makes us alive through his own Spirit's breath.

6 Faith overcomes! Christ's witnesses have spoken:
we have not seen, yet now we dare believe
in him is freedom, peace and joy unbroken,
a gift to share with all who will receive.

7 Faith overcomes! In Jesus' love abiding,
we yield ourselves to follow his commands,
willing to suffer for his name, confiding
our needs and hopes and fears into his hands.


Christopher M Jones (1954-2012)

© Mrs J Jones/admin The Jubilate Group
Metre: 11 10 11 10 / Tune: HIGHWOOD
(A Hymn for St John's College, Durham)

CCL# 5943308