Christian soldiers, onward go (Oft in danger, oft in woe)
[Modernised Version]1 Christian soldiers, onward go!
Jesus' triumph you shall know;
fight the fight, maintain the strife,
strengthened with the bread of life.
2 Join the war and face the foe!
Christian soldiers onward go;
boldly stand in danger's hour,
trust your captain, prove his power.
3 Let your drooping hearts be glad,
march in heavenly armour clad;
fight, nor think the battle long
soon shall victory be your song.
4 Sorrow must not dim your eye,
soon shall every tear be dry;
banish fear, you shall succeed
great your strength if great your need.
5 Onward, then, in battle move!
more than conquerors you shall prove;
though opposed by many a foe
Christian soldiers, onward go!
Jubilate Hymns version of 'Oft in danger, oft in woe', Henry Kirke White (1785 - 1806)
© Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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