
A world in pain, a baby's cry
Christopher Idle
Abraham's faith give us today
Christopher Idle
Advocate, Amen, Anointed
Christopher Idle
All authority and power
Christopher Idle
All creation, sing to your rightful King
Christopher Idle
All glory be to God on high; upon this earth
Christopher Idle
All the brown and bare horizons
Christopher Idle
All the law your God has given
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All the saints who serve in heaven
Christopher Idle
All your commandments, Father Almighty
Christopher Idle
Almighty God, the Fountain-head
Christopher Idle
Almighty Lord, the holy one
Christopher Idle
And did you risk yourself, O Christ
Christopher Idle
Angels are bringing
Christopher Idle
Arise and shine! Your light has come
Christopher Idle
As Jacob travelled far along
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As once for you, Lord Christ, there was no room
Christopher Idle
As sons of the day and daughters of light
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As the light upon the river
Christopher Idle
Ascended Christ, who gained
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At many times, in various ways
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At the supper's ending
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Attend, all heaven and earth
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Baptized into Christ Jesus
Christopher Idle
Before the roads or railways came
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Before they leave the upper room
Christopher Idle
Bless the Lord in psalm and chorus
Christopher Idle
Bless the Lord, our fathers' God
Christopher Idle
Blessed are those who fear the Lord, walking
Christopher Idle
Blessed, each one who does not walk
Christopher Idle
Cattle know their master's manger
Christopher Idle
Christ has prepared for us a place
Christopher Idle
Christ is all the world's good news
Christopher Idle
Christ is going to the Father
Christopher Idle
Christ is surely coming, bringing his reward
Christopher Idle
Christ once was sacrificed
Christopher Idle
Christ the Lord who calls us
Christopher Idle
Christ's church shall glory in his power
Christopher Idle
Christ, grant me grace to let you wash my feet
Christopher Idle
Christ, the light who shines unfading
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Christmas greetings, Christmas joy
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City of God, Jerusalem
Christopher Idle
Come and believe it! See what God is doing
Christopher Idle
Come and see the shining hope that Christ's apostle saw
Christopher Idle
Come and tread the pathway
Christopher Idle
Come to a world of need
Christopher Idle
Come with all joy to sing to God
Christopher Idle
Come, hear the Gospel word
Christopher Idle
Come, Lord, to make yourself at home
Christopher Idle
Come, praise the Lord, all you his servants
Christopher Idle
Come, praise the name of Jesus
Christopher Idle
Come, see the winter is past
Christopher Idle
Contend, O Lord, with those
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Creator God, with whom we share
Christopher Idle
Dark is all the world below him
Christopher Idle
Downtrodden Christ, to you we pray
Christopher Idle
Eternal Father, God of grace
Christopher Idle
Eternal light, shine in my heart
Christopher Idle
Eternity once entered time
Christopher Idle
Exult, creation round God's throne
Christopher Idle
Far greater than great and more loving than love
Christopher Idle
Father and God, from whom our world derives
Christopher Idle
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
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Father, Saviour, Holy Spirit, God who numbers all our days
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Find rest, my soul, in God alone
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Fine weaver of all things
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First and best-beloved
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For all our seven churches
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For ever, Lord, I'll sing your love
Christopher Idle
For you and for many, the promise was spoken
Christopher Idle
Freedom and life are ours
Christopher Idle
Friends of God whose faith abounded
Christopher Idle
From the water comes the child
Christopher Idle
Give praise for famous men
Christopher Idle
Give thanks for the gifts and give praise to the giver
Christopher Idle
Give thanks for those working
Christopher Idle
Give thanks to God, for he is good, the everlasting giver
Christopher Idle
Glory and praise to God!
Christopher Idle
Glory in the highest to the God of heaven!
Christopher Idle
Glory to God, the source of all our mission
Christopher Idle
God has been gracious; a son he gives us
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God of all human history
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God of every tribe and nation
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God of hope and Lord of healing
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God of Israel's names and numbers
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God of my life, to you I pray
Christopher Idle
God our Father and creator
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God the I AM who does not change
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God the Lord, the king almighty
Christopher Idle
God's word to God's world! In one name alone
Christopher Idle
God, I cry aloud for help
Christopher Idle
God, loving ruler of the world
Christopher Idle
God, we praise you! God we bless you!
Christopher Idle
Good Shepherd, you know us, you call us by name
Christopher Idle
Grace and peace be ours for ever
Christopher Idle
Great and wonderful your deeds
Christopher Idle
Great is the Lord: his praise is great
Christopher Idle
Great the wonder, great the mystery
Christopher Idle
Hallelujah! praise the Lord! Where the people
Christopher Idle
Hallelujah: Christ is king!
Christopher Idle
Happy are those whose offence is forgiven
Christopher Idle
He stood before the court
Christopher Idle
He walked by the river where the crowds had gone
Christopher Idle
Here from all nations, all tongues, and all peoples
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His Father's house
Christopher Idle
Holy Lord and Father
Christopher Idle
Holy Spirit, heaven's breath
Christopher Idle
How can scholars boast of wisdom
Christopher Idle
How clear and true the skies sing out God's praise
Christopher Idle
How good is life, and length of days
Christopher Idle
How long will you forget me, Lord, and hide your face away?
Christopher Idle
How many are against me, Lord
Christopher Idle
How old the road, where pilgrims went
Christopher Idle
How shall the wise be proud of their wisdom
Christopher Idle
How sure the scriptures are
Christopher Idle
How wickedly they spread their lies
Christopher Idle
I lift my eyes to you
Christopher Idle
I long to sing with Abraham
Christopher Idle
I love my great Lord
Christopher Idle
I love you, O Lord, you alone
Christopher Idle
I never looked for Jesus
Christopher Idle
I to the hills lift up my eyes
Christopher Idle
I trust the Lord for safety
Christopher Idle
I will exalt you, God, my King
Christopher Idle
I will sing the Lord's high triumph
Christopher Idle
I'll sing a new hymn to my God
Christopher Idle
If Christ had not been raised from death
Christopher Idle
If God does not build up our house
Christopher Idle
If God has chosen a nation
Christopher Idle
If the Spirit of God is moving us now
Christopher Idle
If this is not our world
Christopher Idle
If we are raised to life with Christ
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In exile from their homes
Christopher Idle
In God the Father's plan
Christopher Idle
In God the Lord my heart is strong
Christopher Idle
In life or death, Lord Jesus Christ
Christopher Idle
In psalms and hymns of joyful praise
Christopher Idle
In silent pain the eternal Son
Christopher Idle
In the day of need may your answer be the Lord
Christopher Idle
In the public square they meet
Christopher Idle
In you, O Lord, I find my refuge
Christopher Idle
Into our darkness once you came
Christopher Idle
Is the city all they say it is
Christopher Idle
Is your harvest less than you had hoped?
Christopher Idle
Israel's shepherd, hear our prayer
Christopher Idle
It was no empty dreamer
Christopher Idle
It was on Sunday morning
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It's about time and years that count
Christopher Idle
Jerusalem, how glad I was
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Jesus whose glory, name and praise
Christopher Idle
Jesus, come! for we invite you
Christopher Idle
Jesus, most generous Lord
Christopher Idle
Jesus, Saviour of the world, you
Christopher Idle
Jordan's waters part in two
Christopher Idle
King David was a man of war
Christopher Idle
Let God arise! His enemies, be gone
Christopher Idle
Life-giving Christ, our hope and head
Christopher Idle
Light and salvation is the Lord for me
Christopher Idle
Light of gladness, Lord of glory
Christopher Idle
Listen! Wisdom cries aloud
Christopher Idle
Listen, my friends, to each word
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Listening child of God
Christopher Idle
Long before Abraham
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Long before the reign of kings
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Lord all-knowing, you have found me
Christopher Idle
Lord God who blessed our fathers here
Christopher Idle
Lord most high, how can I
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Lord of Good News, as once you came
Christopher Idle
Lord of our time, help us, we pray
Christopher Idle
Lord of the heights, we sing your glory
Christopher Idle
Lord, hear my prayer! My cry shall come before you
Christopher Idle
Lord, how we treasure
Christopher Idle
Lord, show us how to live
Christopher Idle
Lord, teach us to rejoice in you
Christopher Idle
Lord, teach your children how to build
Christopher Idle
Lord, to you we lift our voices
Christopher Idle
Lord, you chose your first disciples
Christopher Idle
Lord, you have seen your church's needs
Christopher Idle
Lord, you have weaned my heart from pride
Christopher Idle
Lord, you need no house
Christopher Idle
Lord, you sometimes speak in wonders
Christopher Idle
Make music to the Lord most high
Christopher Idle
Make us, O God, ashamed of sin
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Mary of the incarnation
Christopher Idle
Master, by your word of welcome
Christopher Idle
Master, what love is here!
Christopher Idle
Mercy and peace from heaven's king
Christopher Idle
Moon and bright sun, wind and white cloud
Christopher Idle
Must the sword devour for ever
Christopher Idle
My heart is ready, O my God
Christopher Idle
My heart rejoices and my strength is kindled
Christopher Idle
My Lord of light who made the worlds
Christopher Idle
My Lord, you wore no royal crown
Christopher Idle
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit sings
Christopher Idle
No fear of God before the eyes
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No stone left on another
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Not even Adam gave a name
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Not so very far
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Now in view of all God's mercies
Christopher Idle
Now is the time, the time of God's favour
Christopher Idle
Now let us learn of Christ
Christopher Idle
Now praise the protector of heaven
Christopher Idle
O Christ, the Son of God most high
Christopher Idle
O God eternal, you are my God!
Christopher Idle
O God of justice, answer me
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O God, defender of the poor
Christopher Idle
O God, do not keep silent
Christopher Idle
O God, the heathen have attacked
Christopher Idle
O Lord my rock, to you I cry aloud
Christopher Idle
O Lord whose love designed this day
Christopher Idle
O when Jesus lay there in the manger
Christopher Idle
O where shall peace be found
Christopher Idle
On Jordan's river bank today
Christopher Idle
One beyond all, you love us to call you
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Our chief inspiration, our primary purpose
Christopher Idle
Our God has made his covenant new
Christopher Idle
Our God, supreme and good
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Our Teacher and Master, redeemer and Lord
Christopher Idle
Out of the depths I cry to you: O Lord, hear my voice
Christopher Idle
Partners in the Gospel
Christopher Idle
Powerful in making us wise to salvation
Christopher Idle
Praise God for windows! Greet the day
Christopher Idle
Praise God today: his glories never end
Christopher Idle
Praise our God with shouts of joy
Christopher Idle
Praise the Lord with the people of Palgrave
Christopher Idle
Praise the Lord, all nations, praise
Christopher Idle
Praise the Lord, Hallelujah!
Christopher Idle
Praise to God and peace on earth!
Christopher Idle
Praise to God the Father! God who saves his people
Christopher Idle
Praise to the Lord, for the Lord is good
Christopher Idle
Preachers of the God of grace
Christopher Idle
Redeemer and Lord of the earth
Christopher Idle
Remember your creator now
Christopher Idle
Return to face your God!
Christopher Idle
Ring those bells! This year, every year
Christopher Idle
Round the Lord in glory seated
Christopher Idle
Saul of Tarsus planned it
Christopher Idle
Search our hearts, we pray, Lord
Christopher Idle
See Christ who on the river's shore
Christopher Idle
See the feast our God prepares
Christopher Idle
See your hands overflowing with flowers
Christopher Idle
Serve the Lord God only
Christopher Idle
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with the gladness
Christopher Idle
Since our great high priest, Christ Jesus
Christopher Idle
Sing when the rain is coming
Christopher Idle
Sing, sing, sing to the Lord
Christopher Idle
So this is the day when his God does not answer
Christopher Idle
Soon comes the time of the archangel Michael
Christopher Idle
Spirit of holiness, wisdom and faithfulness
Christopher Idle
Strong in Christ, our great salvation
Christopher Idle
Strong Lord, let me love you alone
Christopher Idle
Sunday was the day when
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Teach me, Lord Jesus, all I need to know
Christopher Idle
The ancient hills have known his word
Christopher Idle
The countless stars of heaven
Christopher Idle
The dance of the stars in burning glory
Christopher Idle
The feet of God have touched this earth
Christopher Idle
The glorious God of heaven
Christopher Idle
The God who spoke at Haran
Christopher Idle
The land is dry; the prophet's word
Christopher Idle
The Lord has said that he will be our God
Christopher Idle
The Lord is here, the darkness gone
Christopher Idle
The Lord is king! Let earth be glad
Christopher Idle
The Lord my shepherd rules my life
Christopher Idle
The Lord who made the mountains
Christopher Idle
The morning comes: new heavens, new earth
Christopher Idle
The saints in Christ are one in every place
Christopher Idle
The Spirit led by day
Christopher Idle
The sun went down on Jacob's grief
Christopher Idle
The victory of our God is won
Christopher Idle
The vision of the living God
Christopher Idle
The wonder of salvation
Christopher Idle
The Word was very God
Christopher Idle
The works of the Lord are created in wisdom
Christopher Idle
Then I saw a new heaven and earth
Christopher Idle
This earth belongs to God
Christopher Idle
This world has great rewards to give
Christopher Idle
Those who rely on the Lord are unshakeable
Christopher Idle
Through all the world let Christ be known
Christopher Idle
To Christ who once this supper made
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To everyone whom God has made
Christopher Idle
To God our strength come, sing aloud
Christopher Idle
To know God's mind and do his will
Christopher Idle
To set their hearts on God
Christopher Idle
To this we have been called
Christopher Idle
To walk the way of Abraham
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Today, as on all landmark days
Christopher Idle
Towering over road and river
Christopher Idle
True light, blazing in the darkest place
Christopher Idle
Twelve for the twelve apostles
Christopher Idle
Two hundred years have passed
Christopher Idle
Two thousand years of sorrow
Christopher Idle
Up from the depths I cry to God
Christopher Idle
Wake, O wake, and sleep no longer
Christopher Idle
We have done wrong and only God can save us
Christopher Idle
We have not walked these paths before
Christopher Idle
We heard Christ's word, and looking back
Christopher Idle
We meet together in the name
Christopher Idle
We take our silver from the mine
Christopher Idle
Welcome to the wedding!
Christopher Idle
Welcome, welcome every guest
Christopher Idle
What Daniel has seen in visions by night
Christopher Idle
What does the Lord our God require
Christopher Idle
What is our mission in this place
Christopher Idle
Whatever things are lovely
Christopher Idle
When at first the word was spoken
Christopher Idle
When David found his rest
Christopher Idle
When glory shone through the dark skies
Christopher Idle
When God made all things well
Christopher Idle
When holy men of old announced the will of God to man
Christopher Idle
When Israel fled from Egypt
Christopher Idle
When Israel was young, you loved him
Christopher Idle
When Jesus came to Bethlehem
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When Jesus led his chosen three
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When lawless people thrive
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When mines are dug for silver
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When prison walls extend their reach
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When rulers judge in righteousness
Christopher Idle
When Solomon came to be king of all Israel
Christopher Idle
When the king shall come again
Christopher Idle
When the LORD restored his people
Christopher Idle
When the sun is darkened and the moon gives no light
Christopher Idle
When this land knew God's gracious love outpoured
Christopher Idle
When we are down you raise us up
Christopher Idle
When we are in want
Christopher Idle
When you prayed beneath the trees
Christopher Idle
Where is the glory of our God
Christopher Idle
Where is the one our God will choose?
Christopher Idle
Where is the rock, and where is the river of life everlasting
Christopher Idle
Who believes what we have heard
Christopher Idle
Who can measure heaven and earth?
Christopher Idle
Wild creatures long to cool their tongues
Christopher Idle
Wise men, they came to look for wisdom
Christopher Idle
With all my heart I praise the Lord
Christopher Idle
With one voice they joined their praise
Christopher Idle