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Showing 33 song matches for 'Spirit'
Born of the water
Michael Perry
Christ in majesty ascending
David Mowbray
Christ is ascending! let creation sing
David Mowbray
Christ on whom the Spirit rested
David Mowbray
Come down, Holy Spirit, come in wind and flame
Jenny Wakely
Come, most Holy Spirit, come
Stephen Langton / Edward Caswall / Jubilate Hymns
Eternal light, shine in my heart
Christopher Idle
Father of all, with praise
David Mowbray
God has been gracious; a son he gives us
Christopher Idle
God is our guide, our light and our deliverer
Christopher Porteous
God is present by his Spirit
Brian Black
God the Father of creation
Michael Perry
God who created light
Michael Saward
He lives in us, the Christ of God
Michael Perry
I believe in God the Father who created heaven
Michael Perry
Lord, have mercy: in your goodness
David G. Preston
Lord may we see your hands and side
Christopher Porteous
May we, O Holy Spirit, bear your fruit
Paul Wigmore
O come, our world's Redeemer, come!
Michael Perry
O Holy Spirit, come to bless
[Modernised Version]
O Lord of heaven and earth and sea
[Modernised Version]
See the grace of God abounding
Paul Wigmore
Sing glory to God the Father
Michael Saward
Spirit divine, inspire our prayers
[Modernised Version]
Spirit of God, creation's power
Michael Saward
Spirit of God who dwells within
Brian Black
Spirit of holiness, wisdom and faithfulness
Christopher Idle
Thanks be to God for his most holy Son
Michael Saward
The Son of Man has been revealed
Michael Saward
The Spirit led by day
Christopher Idle
Two hundred years have passed
Christopher Idle
Wind of God, dynamic Spirit
Michael Saward
You, O Lord, have searched and known me
David G. Preston
Showing 6 liturgy matches for 'Spirit'