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Showing 25 song matches for 'humility'
At the supper, Christ the Lord
David Mowbray
A bowl of water and a towel
Martin Leckebusch
Before the Lord my soul is bowed
Stephen Horsfall
Bless the Lord, created things
Judy Davies
Child in a stable
Michael Perry
Empty he came
Public Domain
Give to God your humble thanks
John Turl
How can scholars boast of wisdom
Christopher Idle
In God the Lord my heart is strong
Christopher Idle
I thank you Lord with all my heart, I worship
Michael Baughen
Lord, guide us as we navigate
Emma Turl
Lord Christ, the everlasting Son
David Mowbray
Lord Christ, the morning star!
David Mowbray
Lord Jesus, when your people meet
Lord, you have weaned my heart from pride
Christopher Idle
Mary sang a song, a song of love
Michael Perry
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit sings
Christopher Idle
O sing, O sing the greatness of the Lord
Derek Boemler, Joel Payne
O Holy Spirit, breathe on me
Norman Warren
O Holy Spirit, giver of life
Michael Saward
See, amid the winter snow
[Modernised Version]
Spirit of God, you know my inmost being
Martin Leckebusch
The angel Gabriel from heaven came
[Modernised Version]
Though Christ put on our frail humanity
Stephen Horsfall
When opposition drags me down
Emma Turl
Showing 4 liturgy matches for 'humility'