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Showing 14 song matches for 'forgiveness'
Amid a world of pain and war
Lucy Hannah
And now, O Father, mindful of the love
[Modernised Version]
Dust to dust, we face our sentence
Ally Barrett
Give thanks to God who runs to meet us now
Donald Wetherick
Hope for the world's despair
Ally Barrett
It's in the blood
John Turl
It was an ancient olive grove
Emma Turl
Jesus is risen
Vernon Stanbridge
Drop, slow tears of anguish
Ally Barrett
O Christ, I kneel before your cross
Keiko Ying
O God of love who made the world
Brian Davis
Send us, O Lord, to live lives to your glory
Geoff Lyon
The stone was rolled away
Stephen Burtonwood
Within a makeshift manger-bed
Martin Leckebusch
Showing 1 liturgy matches for 'forgiveness'