1 O God of love who made the world,
and brought us here today.
We see that love in Jesus Christ,
and in that love we pray.

2 Surround this couple with your grace,
In all their married life.
Give strength to keep the vows they make:
true husband and true wife.

3 To have and hold from this day on,
In laughter and in tears;
In wealth or want, in health or pain,
throughout the coming years.

4 When trials and temptations come,
when hope and faith grow weak;
help them forgive and start again,
to find the joy they seek.

5 Reveal the way that leads to peace,
each day their love renew;
So may these two become as one,
with faith and hope in you.

Tune : Amazing grace

words © Brian Davis / Jubilate, administered by Jubilate Hymns Ltd


CCL# 7137660