1 Now in view of all God's mercies,
love that rescues, makes us whole,
let us offer up in worship
mind and body, heart and soul,
to the Lord whose hand has formed us,
blood has cleansed and word sustained:
Jesus Christ whose cross redeemed us,
earth renewed and heaven gained.

2 Let our varied gifts be ready,
burning zeal with love sincere,
hope rejoicing, patience steady,
open door and listening ear;
laugh and cry with one another
through the joy or pain God sends;
welcome neighbour, sister, brother,
giving time and making friends.

3 Let us bury greed and grudging,
find how meekness is most strong,
leave to God the place of judging,
not repaying wrong with wrong.
See the rule of Christ advancing,
let his will be understood;
praying, working, peace-enhancing,
evil overcome with good.

*4 Fill these two, we pray, with blessings,
faith in marriage, church and home,
hopes ahead beyond our guessing,
love's surprises yet to come:
let no wealth or want oppress them
as they build their lives on you;
Father, Son and Spirit, bless them
now in truth made one, made new.

*for wedding service

Christopher Idle from Romans 12
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
8 7. 8 7. D

CCL# 3501292