Good Shepherd, you know us, you call us by name,
you lead us; we gladly acknowledge your claim.
Your voice has compelled us; we come at your call,
and none you have chosen will finally fall.

Good Shepherd, you warn us of robbers and thieves;
the hireling, the wolf, who destroys and deceives;
all praise for your promise on which we can stand,
that no-one can snatch us from out of your hand.

Good Shepherd, you lay down your life for the sheep;
your love is not fickle, your gift is not cheap.
You spend your life freely, you take it again;
you died, so we live - we are healed by your pain.

At one with the Father, you made yourself known:
'I am the Good Shepherd', at one with your own.
You loved us before we had heeded or heard;
by grace we respond to your life-giving word.

Christopher Idle b.1938

© Christopher Idle/ Jubilate Hymns

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CCL# 3804470