1 All the law your God has given,
teaching, promise, song, command,
guide your steps from here to heaven,
light your pathway through the land.

2 It is written, God has spoken;
ours to listen, read, obey:
Scripture never can be broken;
do not close your hearts today!

3 Make this book your meditation,
speak its truth by day and night;
let no doubt, no deviation
turn your foot to left or right.

4 Has not God your Lord commanded?
Do not fear the road is long;
never fear, for he has granted
in his strength, we shall be strong.

5 Where God leads you, take possession;
what he gives, with joy receive!
Set your course by his commission;
learn from him, and you will live.

6 Best of all, our God is with us,
starting, travelling, nearing home;
never will he lose or leave us,
all his love in Christ has come!

Christopher Idle from Joshua 1
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
8 7. 8 7. D

CCL# 3800577