Showing 35 song matches for 'service of God'
As we walk along beside you
Michael Perry
Come, praise the Lord, all you his servants
Christopher Idle
Come, rejoice before your maker
Michael Baughen
Dark is all the world below him
Christopher Idle
Father almighty, we your humble servants
Michael Saward
Father, let us dedicate
Lawrence Tuttiett / Jubilate Hymns
God is with the righteous
Michael Perry
God, you have chosen, called, prepared
Michael Saward
Have you not heard? Do you not know
Michael Saward
Hear me, O Lord, in my distress
David G. Preston
Here from all nations, all tongues, and all peoples
Christopher Idle
How good is life, and length of days
Christopher Idle
In Judah's kingdom God is known
David G. Preston
I love my great Lord
Christopher Idle
I never looked for Jesus
Christopher Idle
Jubilate everybody, serve the Lord with gladness
Michael Perry
J stands for Junior
Brian Hoare
Let me now depart in peace
Michael Perry
Let us rejoice! The servants of our Lord
Hilary Jolly
Lift up your heads, you gates of brass
[Modernised Version]
Long ago to London's city
Michael Saward
O bless the God of Israel, sing his praises
James Seddon
Powerful in making us wise to salvation
Christopher Idle
Praise him, praise him, everybody praise him
[Modernised Version]
Saul of Tarsus planned it
Christopher Idle
Serve the Lord God only
Christopher Idle
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, serve the Lord with gladness
Michael Perry
Sing a new song, alleluia
James Seddon
Soon comes the time of the archangel Michael
Christopher Idle
The Lord is king! Let earth be glad
Christopher Idle
To know God's mind and do his will
Christopher Idle
Welcome to Christ's family
David Mowbray
What does the Lord our God require
Christopher Idle
Where is the one our God will choose?
Christopher Idle
Why do all the nations rage
David G. Preston