1 Praise the LORD from heaven, praise him in the heights;
Praise him, all his angels; praise him, stars and lights;
Praise him, skies and waters, which for ever stand
In your changeless order by his sole command.

2 From the earth sing praises: creatures in the seas,
Lightning, hail and snowstorms, mountains, rocks and trees;
Praise him, beasts and cattle, all created things,
Young and old together, peoples and their kings.

3 Praise the LORD of glory, praise his matchless worth,
Praise his name exalted over heaven and earth;
Praise him, all his people, by his power restored,
Drawn to know and love him: praise him, praise the LORD!

Psalm 148, David G. Preston, based on Thomas Browne Browne (1805 - 1874)
© D.G. Preston/Jubilate Hymns
6 5 6 5 D Trochaic

CCL# 2286879