1 O come all you children to Bethlehem town,
and see here a baby from heaven come down;
tread softly and enter on this sacred night
a stable with heavenly glory alight.

2 O come all you children, come here to the stall
and see here a child who is born Lord of all;
more fair than the angels in glory is he,
more lovely than cherubim ever could be.

3 O come all you children, and stand by his bed,
and see gentle Mary bend low at his head;
see Joseph, so humble in wondering joy,
kneel down at the feet of this most holy boy.

4 O come then, you children, and hark at the throng
of angels, all crowding the sky with their song;
join in with their praises and joyfully sing
your loudest thanksgiving for Jesus the king!

Ihr Kinderlein kommen Christoph von Schmidt (17th century) tr Paul Wigmore
© Paul Wigmore/Jubilate Hymns
11 11 11 11 Anapaestic

CCL# 2791247