Lullaby, little Jesus
1 Lullaby, little Jesus;
there you lie, little Jesus
as the winds bite
on this cold night
in the hay, little Jesus.
As the winds bite
on this cold night:
Lullaby, little Jesus!
2 Lullaby, little Jesus;
don't you cry, little Jesus:
come tomorrow
there'll be sorrow
and dismay, little Jesus.
Come tomorrow,
there'll be sorrow.
Lullaby, little Jesus!
3 Lullaby, little Jesus:
in the sky, little Jesus,
there is singing,
glory bringing
to this day, little Jesus.
There is singing,
glory bringing,
Lullaby, little Jesus!
Michael Perry (1942 - 1996) after the Polish Carol
© Mrs B Perry/Jubilate Hymns Ltd