1 Let saints on earth together sing
with those whose work is done;
for all the servants of our king
in earth and heaven, are one.

2 One family, we live in him,
one church above, beneath,
though now divided by the stream,
the narrow stream of death.

3 One army of the living God,
to his command we bow;
part of his host have crossed the flood
and part are crossing now.

4 But all unite in Christ their head,
and love to sing his praise:
Lord of the living and the dead,
direct our earthly ways!

5 So we shall join our friends above
who have obtained the prize;
and on the eagle wings of love
to joys celestial rise.

Jubilate Hymns version of 'Come, let us join our friends above', Charles Wesley (1707 - 1788)
© Jubilate Hymns Ltd

CCL# 1046725