1 I've tried in vain a thousand ways
My fears to quiet, my hopes to raise:
But what I need, the Bible says
Is ever only Jesus.

2 He died, He lives, He reigns, He pleads,
There's love in all His works and deeds;
There's all a guilty sinner needs
Forever more in Jesus.

3 For all things work together for good
with those who love and serve the Lord:
I'll trust in Him for all I need
For evermore in Jesus.

4 In times like these, it can be hard
to lift the cross and follow my Lord
But He is with us day by day,
This never failing Jesus.

Verses 1 and 2, J Proctor, verses 3 and 4 Roger J Mayor (born 1951)
© Roger J Mayor/Jubilate Hymns Ltd.

CCL# 7074891