*1 I'll praise my maker while I've breath,
and when my voice is lost in death,
praise shall possess my noblest powers;
my days of praise are never past
while life and thought and being last
or immortality endures.

*2 Happy are those whose hopes rely
on God the Lord, who made the sky,
the earth, the sea, the night and day;
his truth for ever stands secure,
he keeps his promise to the poor,
and none who seeks is turned away.

3 The Lord gives eyesight to the blind,
he calms and heals the troubled mind,
he sends the wounded conscience peace;
he helps the stranger in distress,
the widow and the fatherless,
and grants the prisoner glad release.

*4 I'll praise him while he lends me breath,
and when my voice is lost in death
praise shall employ my noblest powers;
my days of praise are never past
while life and thought and being last
or immortality endures.

Jubilate Hymns version of a hymn with the original first line 'I'll praise my maker with my breath', Isaac Watts (1674 - 1748)
© Jubilate Hymns Ltd
88. 88. 88.

*Praise Trust © verses

CCL# 3097232