How beautiful it is when God’s own people
live together in unity,
how good it is when all the fellowship
serve together in love.
1 It's like the precious oil, anointing
the priest who stood before the Lord,
a sign of total consecration
and overflowing joy.
How beautiful it is…
2 It's like the dew of early morning
renewing thirsty arid land:
the Lord in kindness gives his blessing,
his life for evermore.
How beautiful it is…
3 O Spirit of the Lord, anoint us
and pour your fragrance on us now:
revive our thirsty souls, and bless us
with your refreshing dew.
How beautiful it is…
Emma Turl
After Psalm 133
Metre 9 8 9 6 + 10 8 10 6 (refrain)
Tune : HADLEY WOOD (John Turl)
words © Emma Turl / Jubilate
admin. Jubilate Hymns Ltd
CCL# 7123121