Hear the skies around
Hear the skies around
fill with joyful sound,
and the praise of angels ring;(repeat)
Singing 'Glory in the highest,'
singing 'Glory to the King!'
Hear the skies around
fill with joyful sound,
and the praise of angels ring.
'To the earth be peace,
fear and sorrow cease!'
is the birthday news they bring.(repeat)
Singing 'Glory in the highest,'
singing 'Glory to the King!'
'To the earth be peace,
fear and sorrow cease!'
is the birthday news they bring.
Banish all dismay,
for on Christmas day
there's a song of hope to sing; (repeat)
Singing 'Glory in the highest,'
singing 'Glory to the King!'
Banish all dismay,
for on Christmas day
there's a song of hope to sing.
Rajske strune zadonite (anonymous Jugoslavian) tr. Michael Perry (1942 - 1996)
© Mrs B Perry/Jubilate Hymns
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