God, in whose image we are made
1 God, in whose image we are made,
strengthened to face life unafraid.
We adore you, stand before you.
Filled with delight at all you give;
morning and night that we may live.
To your praises, our heart raises,
joyful praises, gladsome praises,
to your honour.
2 God, who in marriage has begun,
through male and female, bound as one,
culmination of creation.
Give to your children love and peace;
patience and trust that will not cease.
To your praises, our heart raises,
joyful praises ceaseless praises,
for your mercy.
3 God, in whose family we are heirs;
give sons and daughters to be theirs,
bringing pleasure in good measure.
That in the home that is to be,
all may find fruitful unity.
To your praises, our heart raises,
joyful praises, heartfelt praises,
as our duty.
4 So, Holy Trinity above,
we, who rejoice to feel your love,
knowing gladness, tinged with sadness.
Then, as we face the gates of death,
drawing at length our final breath,
to your praises, our heart raises,
joyful praises, heaven's praises,
in your presence.
Michael Saward 1932-2015
© E R Hudson / Jubilate Hymns
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