1 'From heaven above I come to bring
the joyful news of Christ your king:
the holy infant born tonight
shall be your hope and your delight.

2 'For faithful is the prophets' word
God sends to you this mighty Lord
to free you from your sin and shame;
the saviour, Jesus, is his name.

3 'The One by whom the world was made
is in a humble manger laid;
and he to whom the throne was given
now stoops to raise you up to heaven.'

4 So with the shepherds make your way,
and find in Bethlehem today
the child of peace, the ever-blessed,
your master and your gracious guest:

5 Then bear the news that angels tell
to all the weary world as well;
let human power and pomp and pride
be vanquished at this Christmastide.

6 Sing praises to the Father, Son
and Holy Spirit Three in One;
let God made known in Christ our Lord
be worshipped, honoured, and adored!

Michael Perry (1942 - 1996)
© Mrs B Perry/Jubilate Hymns

CCL# 1054281