1 Faithful Shepherd, feed me
in the pastures green;
faithful Shepherd, lead me
where your steps are seen:

2 Hold me fast, and guide me
in the narrow way;
so, with you beside me,
I need never stray:

3 Daily bring me nearer
to the heavenly shore;
make my faith grow clearer,
help me love you more:

4 Consecrate each pleasure,
every joy and pain;
you are all my treasure,
all I hope to gain:

5 Day by day prepare me
as you purpose best,
then to heaven bear me
to my promised rest.

Jubilate Hymns version of 'Faithful shepherd, feed me', Thomas B Pollock (1836 - 1896)
© Jubilate Hymns Ltd
6 5 6 5 Trochaic

CCL# 3256499