Creator God beyond compare
After Psalm 104
1 Creator God beyond compare
in power and awesome majesty,
from light you spin the robes you wear,
the heavens form your canopy.
How wonderful and great your ways,
O Lord, we lift our hearts in praise!
2 You ride the clouds, you tread the wind,
you make your angels flames of fire.
Deep waters part at your command
revealing land as floods retire.
Let all creation join to raise
a chorus filled with vibrant praise!
3 As streams from hill to valley flow
where birds build nests and cattle feed,
abundant crops and fruit-trees grow,
supplying every kind of need.
For each new gift your love conveys
accept our songs of grateful praise.
4 The changing moon keeps watch at night
when lions roar and stalk their prey;
then darkness flees at dawn’s first light
and workers ply their trade by day.
Through evening shade and noonday blaze,
our gracious God, we bring you praise.
5 How many creatures, large and small,
are found in sea and earth and sky!
In wisdom you give breath to all
to flourish and, in time, to die.
O Lord may we, through all our days,
rejoice to sing your endless praise!
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words © Emma Turl/ Jubilate
admin. Jubilate Hymns Ltd