All my heart this night rejoices (Perry version)
1 All my heart this night rejoices,
as I hear,
far and near,
sweetest angel voices.
'Christ is born!' their choirs are singing,
till the air
now with joy is ringing.
2 Listen! from a humble manger
comes the call,
'One and all,
run from sin and danger!
Christians come, let nothing grieve you;
you are freed!
All you need
I will surely give to you.'
3 Gather, then, from every nation;
here let all,
great and small,
kneel in adoration;
love him who with love is yearning;
hail the star
that from far
bright with hope is burning!
4 You, my Lord, with love I'll cherish,
live to you,
and with you
dying shall not perish,
but shall dwell with you for ever:
joy divine
shall be mine
that can alter never.
Version of Fr soll mein Herze springen, Paulus Gerhardt (1607 - 1676) by Michael Perry (1942 - 1996) after the translation by Catherine Winkworth (1827 - 1878)
© Word & Music/Jublilate Hymns Ltd.
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