After Psalm 16

Keep me resting in the peace
of your protection, Lord,
where you offer me release
from guilt and fear, my God.
May I seek to honour too
all whose refuge is in you,
as they stand for what is true
and are transformed by joy.

Every rival's empty claim
brings only sorrow, Lord -
let me praise your worthy name
and live for you, my God.
Present grief will not endure,
my inheritance is sure
and my future held secure
in your transcending joy.

As you guide me day by day
and give me counsel, Lord,
may I not rebel or stray
but stay content, my God.
On the pathway of your choice
when I hear your welcome voice
let my trembling heart rejoice
with overwhelming joy.

When I reach my journey's end
still let me follow, Lord,
for my life and health depend
on Jesus' death, my God.
Christ, who trod that road of pain
and in triumph rose again,
lead me home to where you reign
in everlasting joy!

Emma Turl
© Emma Turl, admin. The Jubilate Group
Metre / Suggested tune: 7 6 7 6 7 7 7 6 / KELVINGROVE

CCL# 7071086