1 Jordan's waters part in two;
see Elisha passing through!
Look! he holds Elijah's cloak,
for this younger prophet spoke:
'As you leave, let me inherit
double of your living spirit!'

2 Waters parted, waters healed;
see the power of God revealed!
Loaves and oil are multiplied,
breath renewed in one who died;
words of judgement and salvation
spoken to a lawless nation.

3 Jordan's river, which has known
Israel saved and overthrown,
now receives the Syrian lord
Naaman longs for health restored;
once the word of God is heeded
here is all the cleansing needed.

4 By that word is poison tamed,
iron from the stream reclaimed,
armies blinded, made to see,
kings made beggars, beggars free;
so Elisha serves his warning
on a world that longs for morning.

5 Yes! For Christ makes all things good:
greater healing, freedom, food,
better news for rich and poor
than the prophets ever saw,
starting from that same swift river,
bound for death, he lives for ever.

6 Jesus, dawn on us today!
Take our dirt, our sin away;
Living Stream, in mercy rise,
cleanse our hearts, our tongues, our eyes:
by your Spirit's true anointing
let us serve at your appointing.

Christopher Idle
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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CCL# 3808809