1 Attend, all heaven and earth:
the Lord will speak with you!
His words are like refreshing rain,
his truth like early dew.
He is the faithful Rock
whose perfect works proclaim
the beauty of his steadfast love,
the glory of his name.

2 For earth became corrupt
and disobeyed his call;
so well did we repay our God
who made and loved us all!
Remember days of old,
the generations gone,
and ask your fathers to explain
what God Most High has done.

3 He gave the human race
its boundaries and lands;
his chosen people learned to find
rich blessings from his hands;
for they became his care
and he became their own:
he led them with a father's joy
and from a kingly throne.

4 For Jacob was his child,
a foundling in the storm
whom God had rescued, fed and clothed,
and healed from every harm:
as eagles on their wings
lift nestlings high above
so does the Lord lift up his young
and holds them by his love.

5 He met his people's need;
his gifts were always good:
from fertile hills and watered fields
he nourished them with food;
sweet honey from the rock,
pure milk and fruit and meat,
with blood-red wine from choicest grapes
and bread from finest wheat.

6 Yet still the people sinned,
the ransomed ones rebelled,
deserted and defied their Lord;
so all their land was spoiled.
They earned the Saviour's wrath,
they worshipped things of earth,
forgetting all the promises
of God who gave them birth.

7 When all our strength grows weak
and all our hope has passed,
then God the Lord will come in power
to bring an end at last!
The Lord alone is God
who brings us to our grave
but raises us to life again;
he judges he will save!

Christopher Idle from Deuteronomy 32
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd

CCL# 3800656