Why have you abandoned me?
After Psalm 22
1 Why have you abandoned me?
O my God, why don't you hear?
Day and night my tortured groans
reach an unresponsive ear.
Yet you dwell, the holy One,
where your servants' praises meet:
all their trust was fixed on you
and you saved them from defeat.
2 Scorned, afflicted and despised -
everyone is taunting me
saying, "Let the Lord your God
come himself and set you free!"
Yet from earliest infancy
you, my God, were always there:
from my mother's womb till now
you administered your care.
3 Do not turn away from me
as my bones are ripped apart,
pulverised like clay, my strength;
spent like melted wax, my heart.
Those who pierced my hands and feet
stare at me with spiteful eyes;
throwing dice, they share my clothes,
while my body slowly dies.
4 Lord, you rescued me at last,
so I lift my thankful voice -
let the humble heart be filled
and the seeking soul rejoice.
Worshippers from every land
your triumphant grace recall:
this the sovereign Lord has done
once for ever and for all!
Psalm 22
Emma Turl, admin. The Jubilate Group
Metre: 7 7 7 7 D Trochaic
Tunes: Aberystwyth (Joseph Parry); Little Heath (John Barnard and David Wilson)
Recommend as a solo piece