He gave his life in selfless love
1 He gave his life in selfless love,
for sinners once he came;
he had no stain of sin himself
but bore our guilt and shame:
he took the cup of pain and death,
his blood was freely shed;
we see his body on the cross,
we share the living bread.
2 He did not come to call the good
but sinners to repent;
it was the lame, the deaf, the blind
for whom his life was spent:
to heal the sick, to find the lost
it was for such he came,
and round his table all may come
to praise his holy name.
3 They heard him call his Father's name
' Tis finished!' was his cry;
like them we have forsaken him
and left him there to die:
the sins that crucified him then
are sins his blood has cured;
the love that bound him on a cross
our freedom has ensured.
4 His body broken once for us
is glorious now above;
the cup of blessing we receive,
a sharing of his love:
as in his presence we partake,
his dying we proclaim
until the hour of majesty
when Jesus comes again.
Christopher Porteous (born 1935)
© Christopher Porteous/Jubilate Hymns Ltd.