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Showing 19 song matches for 'son of man'
Christ triumphant, ever reigning
Michael Saward
Come and sing the Christmas story
Michael Perry
God of God, the uncreated
Prudentius / J M Neale / H W Baker / Jubilate Hymns
In exile from their homes
Christopher Idle
I believe in God the Father who created heaven
Michael Perry
Jesus, Saviour, holy child
Michael Perry
Lord Jesus, for my sake you come
Michael Perry
Mary, ride on to David's town
Paul Wigmore
O Son of God we too would gather round you
Christopher Porteous
Rejoice with heart and voice!
Michael Perry
Roar the waves, the waters praising
Michael Perry
Son of man, Christ Jesus
David Mowbray
The Son of Man has been revealed
Michael Saward
Through all our days we'll sing the praise
Michael Saward
We believe in God almighty, maker
David Mowbray
What Daniel has seen in visions by night
Christopher Idle
When shepherds watched and angels sang
Michael Perry
When the sun is darkened and the moon gives no light
Christopher Idle
Who is this child that lies in humble splendour
Michael Perry
Showing 0 liturgy matches for 'son of man'