Showing 71 song matches for 'Saviour'
Alleluia, hear the angels sing
Michael Perry
Alleluia! Raise the anthem
[Modernised Version]
All who are thirsty, come to the Lord
Michael Perry
Angels are bringing
Christopher Idle
As the fainting deer cries out
David G. Preston
A child is born for us today, a Son to us
Pearl Beasley
A purple robe
Timothy Dudley-Smith
A song was heard at Christmas
Timothy Dudley-Smith
A virgin most holy as prophets do tell
Michael Perry
Beyond all knowledge is your love divine
Mary Shekleton / Jubilate Hymns
Blessed (blest) be the God of Israel who comes
Michael Perry
Blessing and honour, glory and power
Brian Hoare
Born as a stranger
Michael Perry
Bring strength and joy to all who fear God's name
Derek Baldwin
Christ is born!
Roger Peach
Christians, awake!
[Modernised Version]
Christmas news! Christ is born
David Mowbray
Christ is going to the Father
Christopher Idle
Christ is my Shepherd-King
Emma Turl
Christ is surely coming, bringing his reward
Christopher Idle
City of God, Jerusalem
Christopher Idle
Come and hear the news
Michael Perry
Come, praise the name of Jesus
Christopher Idle
Creation's vast treasure
Martin Leckebusch
Eternal light, shine in my heart
Christopher Idle
Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace
Paul Wigmore
First and best-beloved
Christopher Idle
Give praise for famous men
Christopher Idle
God is good! Give thanks to him
Emma Turl
God defend me: traitors rise
David G. Preston
God to Adam came in Eden
Paul Wigmore
Good Christians all, rejoice
[Modernised Version]
Holy... Lord, holy, holy
Philip Warren
How shall the wise be proud of their wisdom
Christopher Idle
If the Lord had not been near
Paul Wigmore
In a stable, in a manger
Michael Perry
I cannot tell how he whom angels worship
William Fullerton
I love you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer
Michael Perry
Jesus, Jesus is alive
Joel Payne
Jesus, Saviour, holy child
Michael Perry
Listen to the shouts of praise!
Mollie Knight
Lord most high, how can I
Christopher Idle
Lord, now let your servant go his way in peace
James Seddon
Lowly Jesus, King of glory
Christopher Porteous
May the mind of Christ my Saviour
[Modernised Version]
Name of all majesty
Timothy Dudley-Smith
Never was cause for such delight
Emma Turl
O bless the God of Israel, sing his praises
James Seddon
O God, make haste to help me
David G. Preston
O let the church rejoice
Barbara Woollett
O Lord I love you, my strength
Richard Bewes
O Lord my God who saves me
Michael Perry
O Lord of heaven and earth and sea
[Modernised Version]
O Star of Bethlehem
John Curtis
Praise to the Lord, for the Lord is good
Christopher Idle
Saviour Christ, in mercy come!
David Mowbray, Michael Perry
Shepherd-boy, tell me, why are you singing
Paul Wigmore
Sing glory to God the Father
Michael Saward
Softly, a shepherd is singing
Paul Wigmore
Spirit of holiness, wisdom and faithfulness
Christopher Idle
Such a night in Bethlehem
Paul Wigmore
Sweet was the song that Mary sang
The shepherds from the hillside
Richard Bewes
Though the fig tree does not bud
Brian Hoare
Through all our days we'll sing the praise
Michael Saward
To him who is able to keep us from falling
Michael Perry
What a shepherd, what a Saviour
Emma Turl
When holy men of old announced the will of God to man
Christopher Idle
When things began to happen
Michael Saward
When we are down you raise us up
Christopher Idle
You are coming, O my Saviour
[Modernised Version]