1 I found him cradled in a lamp-lit barn,
his mother Mary rocked him;
the child was God they hung today
on a big high cross and they mocked him there:
One day on, the tomb is silent,
one day on, all heaven weeps;
one day on, and even starlight
hid from Christ who sleeps

2 I heard him laughing in the temple court
the day his parents lost him;
the boy was God they hung today
and I'll never know what it cost him there:
Two days on, the tomb is silent,
two days on, all heaven weeps;
two days on, and still the starlight
hid from Christ who sleeps

3 I saw him weeping over sin and death,
the sick and dying round him;
the man was God they hung today
on a big high cross when I found him there.
Three days on, the tomb is open!
Three days on, the loud refrain:
Christ has died and Christ is risen,
Christ will come again!

Paul Wigmore (born 1925)
© Paul Wigmore/Jubilate Hymns
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