1 When Jesus led his chosen three,
to lift the shadow from their sight,
and on the mountain let them see
his face transfigured, crowned with light:
what grace that day to them was given!
to men on earth, a glimpse of heaven.

2 There Moses and Elijah stood
and spoke about his exodus,
their freedom purchased by his blood,
a passover fulfilled for us!
The law and prophets meet their Lord,
see God revealed, and man restored.

3 Then from the cloud there came a voice,
'This is my own beloved Son';
the scriptures' theme, the Father's choice,
their master stood supreme, alone:
they saw his glory, and they heard
the one eternal, living Word.

4 So may we see and know this grace
the truth which like a burning light
illuminates the darkest place
till Christ himself shall end the night:
when to his people's longing eyes
God's day shall dawn, his sun shall rise.

Christopher Idle
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
8 8 8 8 8 8 Iambic

CCL# 3275920