1 To know God's mind and do his will
disciples sought his face;
with Judas done, they now must fill
the twelfth and vacant place.

2 They looked for one prepared to lead
and witness by his word:
'Though Jesus died, he lives indeed,
for I have seen the Lord!'

3 One who has followed in the way
since John at first baptized,
and walked with them until the day
they saw the ascending Christ.

4 Matthias then was set apart,
apostle of good news;
and God who knows the human heart
still calls those he will use.

5 Lord, make your battle-line complete;
make known your sovereign choice,
that we may serve with willing feet
and Christ-uplifting voice.

Christopher Idle from Acts 1
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd

CCL# 3818174